Please see below some of RKS&A's featured projects. 

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I-985 Exit 14 New Interchange at H. F. Reed Industrial Blvd/Thrumon Tanner Parkway, Georgia Department of Transportation, Hall County, GA

New diamond interchange on I-985 near Martin Road between Exit No.12 (Spout Springs Road/City of Flowery Branch) and Exit No.16 (SR 53/City of Oakwood).  A four-lane divided roadway with a variable width (24 ft.- 32 ft.) raised median and 12 ft. shoulder with curb and gutter and sidewalk (Martin Road Extension/New Industrial Connector Road) will be constructed on new location which will connect H. F. Reed Industrial Parkway at Thurmon Tanner Parkway on the west and Martin Road at SR 13 (Falcon Parkway) on the east. Martin Road Extension (New Industrial Connector Road) will cross over Stream #15 and I-985 with a 497 ft. long by 100 ft. - 5 in wide bridge. The southbound entrance ramp will crossover Stream #14 with a 130’ long by 38’ wide bridge and the southbound exit ramp will crossover Stream #16 with a 125 ft. long and 33 ft. -3 in. wide bridge. 7 retaining walls will avoid impact to ESAs

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SR 20, AECOM/Georgia Department of Transportation, Cherokee County, GA

Widening and Reconstruction of 1.345 Miles of an existing two and four lane section of SR 20 from I-575 to Scott Road to provide a basic 6 lane divided roadway with a variable width raised median (+/- 64ft to 20ft) and urban shoulder on both sides (from east of 1-575 to just west of Big Oak Drive).  Seven (7) separate gravity walls and two (2) mechanically stabilized Earth (MSE) walls were designed to minimize impacts to commercial properties.

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Widening of US 41/SR 11, Houston County Public Works, Houston County, GA

Widening of 1.43 miles of US 41/SR 11 from Watson Boulevard to White Road in Houston County, Georgia. As Prime Consultant, RKS&A was responsible for the preparation of Preliminary Plans, Final Construction and Right of Way Plans and preparation of Construction Bid Document. The project included providing two 11 ft. lanes in each direction divided with 12 ft. center dual left turn lane and Urban Shoulders with a 5 ft. sidewalk, providing left turn lanes on Gunn Road with urban and rural shoulders, and design of a Traffic Signal at US 41/SR 11 and Gunn Road.   Also, the project required extensive drainage work including 1000+ ft. of 54 inch pipe to correct existing ponding problems.

RKS&A received the 2016 Georgia Partnership for Transportation Quality Design Award for Highway Design - Urban

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Gwinnett County On-Call Services, Gwinnett County Department of Transportation, Gwinnett County, GA

Since 2000 RKS&A as Prime Design Consultant has designed 30+ separate transportation improvement projects under the 2001, 2005, 2009, 2014, and 2017 Transportation Consultant Demand Professional Services Contract.  Under this contract RKS&A has completed over 30 miles of Roadway Improvements and 23 miles of water line relocation.  Projects include but not limited to Intersection improvements, additional capacity, bridge replacements, sidewalk improvements, quick responses, and widening and reconstruction of urban and rural roadway projects.  Services include Concept Development, design and preparation of Final Construction and Right of Way Plans, and Construction Services.

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Old Roswell Road (Westside Parkway) Widening and Reconstruction, City of Roswell DOT, Fulton County, GA

Widening and reconstruction of 1.0 mile of Old Roswell Road/Rock Mill Road (Westside Parkway) from just south of Mansell Road to Sanctuary Parkway. As Prime Consultant, RKS&A was responsible for the design and preparation of concept report, final construction, and right of way plans, including hydrological and hydraulic studies of Foe Killer Creek at Old Roswell Road. The project included widening of Old Roswell Road/Rock Mill Road (Westside Parkway) to provide a four lane divided roadway with 20 ft. of raised median and urban shoulder with sidewalk. The project further included the replacement of an existing substandard bridge over Foe-Killer Creek.

RKS&A received the 2009 Georgia Partnership for Transportation Quality Design Award for Context Sensitive Design and Public Participation

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I-85/SR 403 Widening, Georgia Department of Transportation, Meriwether and Coweta Counties, GA

Inside widening and overlay of 14 miles of I-85/SR 403 from north of Forest Road cross over to north of SR 34 Interchange.  This provided one 12 ft. wide lane in each direction and an overlay of existing travel lanes.  As Prime Consultant, RKS&A was responsible for the preparation of final construction and Right of Way Plans.  The project scope of work included correction of cross slope of existing pavement, overlay of 17" minimum on existing pavement, and construction of 12 ft. wide lane, and full depth inside and outside shoulders.  There were existing 14 bridges (seven locations) that required correction of cross slope, jacking the bridges, and widening the bridges to match the proposed approaching roadways. Additionally three (3) bridges required raising to meeting minimum vertical clearances. 

RKS&A received the 2006 Georgia Partnership for Transportation Quality Design Award for Environmentally Sensitive Design and Schedule

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Widening of US 84/SR 38 and US 441/SR 89, Georgia Department of Transportation, Clinch County, GA

Widening and reconstruction of 1.54 miles of US 84/SR 38 and 1.0 mile of US 441/SR 89 in Clinch County.  As Prime Consultant, RKS&A was responsible for the preparation of final construction and right of way plans for the two lane, one way pair with urban shoulders for US 84/SR 38 and the four lane divided roadway with a 20 ft. raised median with urban shoulders for US 441/SR 89. The project included concept validation, traffic analysis, hydraulic and hydrological studies using HEC-RAS for Tatum Creek, preliminary and final construction plans and right of way plans. Within the project corridor the the RKS&A team designed of a 20 ft. span and 5.0 ft. rise and 104 ft. long CONSPAN Bridge over Tatum Creek, designed an at Grade Railroad Crossings on US 441/SR 89 at College St. and Wire Grass St., and designed a traffic signal at Eastbound US 84/SR 38 (Plant Ave.) at US 441/SR 89 (Church St.) and Westbound US 84/SR 38 (Dame Ave.) at US 441/SR 89 (Church St.).

RKS&A received the 2005 Georgia Partnership for Transportation Quality Design Award for Context Sensitive Design

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Widening of Sandefur Road and Lake Joy Road, Houston County Public Works, Houston County, GA

Widening of 1.98 mile of Sandefur Road and 1.34 miles of Lake Joy Road in Houston County, Georgia. As Prime Consultant, RKS&A was responsible for the preparation of concept report, preliminary plans, final construction right of way plans, and preparation of construction bid documents. The project included providing one 12 ft. lane in each direction, divided with 12 center dual left turn lane and urban shoulder with a 5 ft. sidewalk  on Sandefur Road.  Along Lake Joy Road RKS&A provided two 12 ft. lanes in each direction, divided with 12 center dual left turn lane and urban shoulder with a 5 ft. sidewalk, and the design of a traffic signal at Sandefur Road at Lake Joy Road.  Also, included on this project was a replacement of an existing three span modular bridge with two span bridge over Beulah Creek on Sandefur Road.